Old Juniper 2004 Fall Camporee Slide Show

With Old Ephraim


START (click here)

START BIG SLIDES (click here) Use this one if you have high speed internet AND you want to see the entire show zoomed up big. It works best if you have 1280 pixels or more on your monitor. (images are all 1024x768 but you need some extra room for the browser border and menu).

GALLERY (click here)

Sincere appreciation to Todd Andreason, Wayne Allen and Joshua Haacke. Thanks to the volunteers that staffed the various stations. Thanks to all for coming and making it a success!

The following pages constitute a slide show and photo selector.

The slide show itself is intended for sequential viewing of a collection of photographs.

Each page includes in its title bar, and underneath, the file name of the photo. This is useful when corresponding to someone about the photo.

To advance to the next photo: Clicking on the photo advances you to the next photo unless you are on a thumbnail or zoomed photo, in which case clicking it takes you to the 'normal' size.

Below each photo is a set of links (buttons) to advance, return, or exit the slide show.

Each photo includes a button to ZOOM to a larger size.

A thumbnail gallery is available for visually selecting photos. If you choose this option, clicking a thumbnail puts you into the slide show at the photo chosen; from there the slide show proceeds with the remainder of the show.