2006 Jamboree On The Air (JOTA)


START (click here)

GALLERY (click here)

Special thanks to Erik Larson, KD7YKQ and member of Bridgerland Amateur Radio Club (BARC) for providing the antenna and radio equipment, Loy Moser for organizing the effort for troops 16, 67, 71, 72, 90 and 370 (Zone 2), and Michael Gordon WB7NTU, photographer and radio operator. We started around 0630, before sunup, to catch the early morning propagation from the east. Scouts and leaders set up an "inverted vee" antenna. One of the highlights was talking to several Scouts in troop 95 camping near Fond Du Lac in Wisconsin.

How to navigate the slide show

The following pages constitute a slide show and photo selector.

The slide show itself is intended for sequential viewing of a collection of photographs.

Each page includes in its title bar, and underneath, the file name of the photo. This is useful when corresponding to someone about the photo.

To advance to the next photo: Clicking on the photo advances you to the next photo unless you are on a thumbnail or zoomed photo, in which case clicking it takes you to the 'normal' size.

Below each photo is a set of links (buttons) to advance, return, or exit the slide show.

A thumbnail gallery is available for visually selecting photos. If you choose this option, clicking a thumbnail puts you into the slide show at the photo chosen; from there the slide show proceeds with the remainder of the show.