Exam Sessions


Amateur Radio Exam Session
Date: Saturday August 10th
Time: Session 1:  9 AM – 11 AM,    Session 2: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Location: Shepard Union Building, Weber State University

Cost: $14.00 Cash or Check, or $15 Credit/Debit card

Exams Available: Technician, General, Amateur Extra

Pre-registration for this exam session is highly recommended. To register for this exam session please go to:

If you have any questions please contact Garth Wiscombe, W7PS at or (801) 558-5936

What to Bring:
1. Two forms of identification, one of which must be a legal photo ID (driver’s license, passport, CCP etc.)

2. If no photo ID is available, you may use two of the following: a. non-photo ID/driver’s license (some states still have them) b. birth certificate (must have the appropriate seal) c. social security card d. library card e. utility bill, bank statement or other business correspondence that specifically names the person; or a postmarked envelope addressed to the person at his or her current mailing address as it appears on the Form 605.

2A. If you are a currently licensed Amateur Radio operator your existing license, or recently licensed Certificates of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) qualifies as one of the required ID’s

3. Students/minors may bring any of the above items and/or a school ID, minor’s work permit, report card, or a legal guardian may present a photo ID.

4. FCC issued Federal Registration Number (FRN); VECís are required by the FCC to submit your FRN number with your license application form. Once you have a FCC issued FRN, you no longer need to use your SSN on the application. For instructions on how to register your SSN with the FCC and receive a FRN, visit the FCC’s FAQ page and the FCC’s registration instructions page.

5. If you are upgrading your current license we will have a reference copy with us, providing you have pre-registered for the test session. If you recently obtained your license or have recently upgraded your license and it has not yet posted to the FCC ULS page then please bring the original copy of your Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) you may hold from previous exam sessions. The CSCE will not be returned. Instructions on how to obtain an official FCC license copy are on our Obtain License Copy web page.

6. License tests are conducted on provided computers. You can use the Windows standard calculator during the test session. Paper based tests are available on request. Assisted testing for persons with disabilities is available upon request.: